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·  Student Bookshop was established at Adliya site by a decision of the university council and then moved to its current location in Shuwaikh


· Co-ordination and continuous cooperation with student associations and associations to facilitate the access of new students to university books at various university sites.


·   Extension of the working hours of Student bookshop until 5 pm with the beginning of each semester to provide the book sale service after the official working time for all university students and postgraduate students and employees of community service courses.


·   Implementing an integrated automated system to automate all work procedures.

·  Create a special Student Bookshop page on the Internet that will provide students and beneficiaries with information on the shop available books.


·   Development of the automated system project.


·  Changing the name of the library to the management of the student library in 2005 after expanding its activities and developing its services.

·   Opening the Student Bookshop doors in the evening period at the request of the Deanship of Community Service to facilitate the task of students in their courses to sell books for evening courses during the period from 5 to 8 pm.


·   Support for textbooks started with a discount of up to 40%.


·   Conversion of the procedures of ordering books from the paper system to the automated system so that members of the faculty can enter their request through the website of the Student Bookshop on the Internet to save time and effort to reach the highest levels of quality.


·    Support textbooks with a discount rate of up to 60% instead of 40% for students

·    Schedule the time period associated with requests for Arabic and foreign textbooks for each semester in order to know the time period it takes to know the applications.


·   Assist in student activity and train them to help and serve students and guide them to access the required books.

·    Sales of textbooks were only applied through credit card (k-net).


·    Coordination and agreement with the National Bank with the approval of the General Secretariat for the construction of a large tent area (500) in the back parking of Student Bookshop to solve the problem of limited space faced by the Department where the daily sales operations, which contributed to ease the congestion in the showroom and contributed easily mobility of students and staff mobility And work more easily.

·   Renewal of the security system for the exit and entrances of the main administration and staff outlets in order to preserve the library's holdings

·   Student Bookshop  approve the initial expansion of the current site of the Department to be in line with modern developments and provide the best services to the masses of students and beneficiaries

·    The bank data reader is added to the cashier machines. Student Bookshop can prepare a list of all students who bought their books with the k-net system, including the title of the book, the price and the name of the bank automatically.


·   Student Bookshop has received the Management Excellence Award for 2014-2015.

·   Work on updating and maintaining the automated system applied in Student Bookshop keep pace with new developments in the work.

·   Updating a special page for the library on the Internet.


·   100% support for students with special needs.

·   Issuing books to manage Student Bookshop explaining all the services provided by the library.

·  Setting up a tent to facilitate sales in the first and second semesters.


·    Develop an annual plan for students of Arabic and foreign textbooks to avoid the problem of the length of the documentary course and shorten it in one transaction that is presented annually to all applications.

·    The establishment of an exhibition in the Faculty of Science and the College of Engineering and Petroleum for the sale of textbooks in the first semester.

·    Setting up a tent to facilitate sales in the first and second semesters.

·    Contracting with the employment company.


·   The establishment of an exhibition in the Faculty of Science and the College of Engineering and Petroleum for the sale of textbooks in the first semester

·   The establishment of a tent in cooperation with the National Bank to facilitate sales in the first and second semesters.


With the beginning of the 2024/2025 academic year, the library was opened 24 hours a day from 8 am to 8 pm for two weeks at the beginning of each semester to facilitate all procedures for students and remove obstacles in their way, while previously students were received during the morning period for 4 hours, and the online store was operated for all students from 8 pm to 8 am to purchase books with a home delivery service provided that delivery takes place within one to three working days so that the library is at the service of students 24 hours a day, in addition to facilitating all procedures for our students with disabilities.